Volunteer With Us
We rely on our volunteers to be able to provide all of our services. We couldn’t operate without them generously giving their time, skills and expertise.
Everyone has something to offer, whether you’re 18 or 80. There are lots of different volunteering opportunities – from admin to fundraising to gardening to being on the Board.
In return, our volunteers:
- Learn new skills
- Make a difference to people’s lives
- Build their confidence
- Gain valuable experience
- Feel appreciated
- Have fun!
Volunteers play a unique role at NDS and they aren’t used to fill temporary or full-time vacancies – unless they want to apply for them of course.
Please complete an application form – we are always looking for volunteers. Also, check our Vacancies pages for specific roles.
Our Volunteer Charter:
- We recognise that voluntary work brings benefits to volunteers themselves, to service users and to paid staff.
- We will ensure that volunteers are properly integrated into the organisational structure and that mechanisms are in place for them to contribute to our work.
- We expect that staff at all levels will work positively with volunteers and, where appropriate, will actively seek to involve them in their work.
- We recognise that volunteers require satisfying work and personal development and will seek to help volunteers meet these needs, as well as providing the training for them to do their work effectively.
- We will endeavour to identify and cover the costs of involving volunteers.
- We recognise that the management of volunteers requires designated responsibilities within specific posts.
- We will endeavour to involve volunteers from a wide range of backgrounds and abilities and ensure our volunteering opportunities are as accessible as possible

There are roughly 165,000 people with some degree of hearing loss in Nottinghamshire.