Signature Level 2 Certificate in British Sign Language
Study BSL with NDS!

Students practicing their BSL skills in class
BSL Level 2 is aimed at those who would like to build on the basic skills they have already acquired. NDS follows the programme of study for the nationally recognised BSL Level 2 Certificate, developed by Signature. It is divided into three units: Productive, Conversational and Receptive Skills. On completion of the course, learners will be able to take part in longer, more complex conversations than at Level 1, and will be able to use a wider range of vocabulary. Our Tutors are Deaf BSL users, are experienced in teaching BSL and have a deep understanding of Deaf language and culture. The quality of their teaching is reflected in our results.
Learners will often work in smaller groups, or with partners, enabling them to develop their skills and build their confidence in a friendly and supportive environment.
Level 2 Certificate in British Sign Language
Level 2 is a 30-week accredited course with a 3-hour lesson once a week. Teaching dates largely follow the Nottingham/shire school schedule. You can find more information on our course booking page where you can also apply for a place on the course. Our training team will then contact you to confirm your place and send you the details.
Please let us know if you have any questions, by email or phoning 0115 9700 516, and we look forward to having you come and learn with us!