Vision, Mission & Values
Our Vision
We have a vision for a society in which all deaf people can fully participate.
The term deaf refers to adults and children who could be profoundly deaf, deafened, hard of hearing, deafblind or experiencing tinnitus, and be either BSL or English users.
Our Mission
Our mission is to improve the social inclusion and well-being of deaf people across the East Midlands.
This is achieved by:
- Enabling better communication between deaf and hearing people.
- Expressing the voice of deaf people to local decision makers.
- Offering specialised support services tailored to the needs of deaf people.
- Providing a community space which is culturally accessible to deaf people.
Our Values
Our values underpin all we do and how we behave as an organisation and as individuals.
- We believe deafness should not limit or determine opportunity; all people should be able to contribute and participate equally in their community.
- We strive to challenge society to be more inclusive of deaf people and enable deaf people to participate in a full and equal manner.
- We believe that deaf people are best placed to decide what help and support they require and how society can best adapt to their needs.
- We focus on ability not disability and believe all people are resourceful and have the potential to grow.
- We support and encourage deaf role models and leaders and equip deaf people to play a full role in society.
- We believe more can be achieved by working together and actively seek to work in partnership.
- We value our staff who support each other and work together to solve problems and reach our overall goals.
- We monitor all aspects of the work we do and the money we spend; we welcome and encourage questions from service users and other stakeholders.